Review Article

A comprehensive review on removal of VOCs from air using fly ash as an adsorbent


Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) play a critical role in the atmosphere and are produced from biogenic and anthropogenic sources. These chemicals have serious health consequences for humans. Among many types of
industrial waste available, Coal Fly Ash (CFA) are mostly produced by coalfired power plants with the ability to capture VOCs from the air. The use of an inexpensive, high-performance electrospun nanofiber membrane to filter out airborne impurities. Adsorption is thought to be the best approach out of all of them due to its convenience, ease of usage, and easy-to-understand design. This review article covers the procedure, and environmental effects of employing fly ash for the adsorption of VOCs. The main concerns with fly ash disposal are the need for massive land areas for landfills and the harmful effects and groundwater pollution caused by the accumulation of heavy metals. Additionally, the methods for overcoming the benefits of using fly ash are also examined.

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IssueVol 9 No 1 (2024): Winter 2024 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Volatile organic compounds; Fly ash; Electrospinning; Nanofiber

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How to Cite
Zehra F, Taushiba A, Dwivedi S, Rajanikanth B, nagar pawan, Lawrence A. A comprehensive review on removal of VOCs from air using fly ash as an adsorbent. JAPH. 2024;9(1):97-122.