Noise pollution in the high-traffic areas and proposed solutions: A case study in Ilam, Iran
Introduction: Noise pollution caused by vehicles is one of the major environmental problems in cities and has harmful effects on residents. The aim of the study was to examine the noise pollution in high traffic areas of the city of Ilam and finally to propose solutions.
Materials and methods: This descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study was performed in the spring of 2020 in three shifts in the morning, noon, and evening at the beginning and end of the week in Ilam city. According to the Iranian standard by Department of Environment in residential and commercial-administrative areas, noise measurement was performed with CEL-440 sound level meter in seven high-traffic points. In this study, the factors affecting noise pollution caused by traffic were recorded in the form of a checklist.
Results: In morning shift at the beginning of the week with the noise level of 70.59 dB, in the noon shift at the beginning of the week with 71.74 dB, and in the evening shift at the beginning of the week with 68.37 dB has a higher noise level. A comparison of sound pressure levels in the morning, noon, and evening shifts at the beginning and end of the week showed no significant difference (P=0.26).
Conclusion: Ilam city has high noise pollution in commercial-residential and commercial-office areas, which was evaluated beyond the standards of noise limits in the open air of Iran. Solutions have been proposed to reduce noise pollution from residents at the measurement points.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Spring 2022 | |
Section | Original Research | |
DOI | | |
Keywords | ||
Sound pressure level; Noise pollution; Traffic |
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