Review Article



Air pollution is one of the prevalent causes of respiratory disorders. The main air pollutants are NOx, SOx and O3 that affect quality of life and health. Therefore, assessment of air pollutants effects on the pathogenesis of asthma and allergic diseases may lead to reach a better quality and reduce the prevalence of the diseases. The sample size of this study was according to the index articles containing the terms” Air pollution, Asthma and Allergy”. For writing of this review, 55 articles were studied. Air pollutants induced nonspecific immune and allergic inflammation with enhancing the production of IL - 4, IL - 5, and IL - 13 by Th2 lymphocytes. Our present research demonstrates that, there is significant relationship between air pollution and asthma and allergic diseases. Therefore, air pollution plays role in the pathogenesis and exacerbation of the allergic diseases.

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IssueVol 2 No 4 (2017): Autumn 2017 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Air pollution asthma and allergic diseases allergic inflammation

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Hashemi A, Shirkani A, Hashemi M, Salimi MD, Behzadi S, Fakharian A, Farrokhi S. ROLE OF AIR POLLUTION ON PATHOGENESIS OF ASTHMA AND ALLERGIC DISEASES. JAPH. 2018;2(4):205 - 210.