Original Research

Assessment of present air quality in Lucknow city and its impact on human health


Introduction: In the current study of specific air pollutants, including levels of NO, SO2, and Particulate Matter (PM10), as well as the Air Quality Index(AQI), has been done on the current state of air quality in Lucknow.
Materials and methods: To assess the ambient air quality in Lucknow, this secondary data was recorded from three key sources: Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), and
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), from five monitoring stations across various areas of the city, including residential areas like Aliganj and Mahanagar, commercial sectors like Hazratganj and Ansal TC, and the industrial sector of Talkatora.
Results: The results showed that, within a range of 111.24 to 240.89 μg/m3, the average 24-h PM10 concentration was evaluated as 178.09 μg/m3. The average concentrations of SOand NOover 24 h ranged between 6.96 and 11.50 and 25.28 and 44.41 μg/mrespectively. Seasonal fluctuations in PM10, SO2
, and NOwere observed, with maximum values recorded in winter at 218.20, 10.32, and 41.43 μg/m, and minimum values recorded in monsoon season at 123.47, 7.19, and 28.31 μg/m, respectively. Maximum values
were recorded in winter at 177 μg/m, while lowest values were recorded in monsoon at 111 μg/m3.
Conclusion: The study focused on monthly and seasonal variations in PM10, SO2, and NOlevels at five representative locations in Lucknow. Key findings revealed that while the annual PM10 concentration exceeded National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQ) standards. The SOand NOconcentrations remained below recommended levels throughout the year, with lower concentrations observed during the monsoon season compared to summer and winter.

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IssueVol 10 No 1 (2025): Winter 2025 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
Particulate matters (PM10); Sulfur dioxide (SO2 ); Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ); Air quality index (AQI); Human health

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How to Cite
Kumar V, Patel P. Assessment of present air quality in Lucknow city and its impact on human health. JAPH. 2025;10(1):115-132.