Original Research

Econometric analysis of the effect of weather on air pollution


Introduction:  Air pollution is one of the world’s major global issues. In this research we aimed to calculate the impact of weather factors on air pollution and show the results by using the econometric method of data analysis. After that, we also studied the effect of car exhaust on air pollution in relation to urban congestion and car age.
Materials and methods: Data cleaning methods used in this research include as correcting structural errors, dealing with missing data and sorting data. For calculation, correlation analysis was used to find the relationship of the time series dataset, and then used panel model for the test results, which are estimated by least squares method. In correlation analysis, used air quality and weather’s data of Ulaanbaatar city’s last 3 years.

Results: As a result of the research, we found that the amount of air pollutant depends on weather factors, that is, location and wind speed have the greatest influence on air pollution. Also the decrease in the amount of sulfur dioxide is due to the ban on burning raw coal in the capital. Our findings indicate that the nitrogen dioxide level in the residential area is high even in the warm season, which is due to congestion and age of vehicles.
Conclusion: The most important weather factors affecting air pollution are location and wind direction. In the future, with comprehensive data collection, future research could better identify sources of air pollution and develop effective mitigation strategies.

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IssueVol 10 No 1 (2025): Winter 2025 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
Data analysis; Air pollution; Econometric

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How to Cite
Ganchimeg G, Jargal E, Choi J. Econometric analysis of the effect of weather on air pollution. JAPH. 2025;10(1):93-114.