Original Research

Microplastic levels in the indoor air of buildings based on plastic waste recycling in Indonesia


Introduction: Microplastics are a new type of contamination in the environment caused by plastic fragmentation and degradation. The generation of plastic waste increases every year, therefore efforts are made to recycle it into building materials. It is unclear how building use resulting from recycling plastic waste affects the development of microplastics in the atmosphere. The purpose of this study is to determine the airborne concentrations of microplastics in buildings constructed from recycled plastic waste.
Materials and methods: The study measured microplastic levels in the air for 30 days in a miniature building made from plastic waste. Samples taken during the dry season in Indonesia in 2023. Air sampling is carried out by passive method. Visual observation of the shape, and amount of microplastics using a microscope.
Results: Microplastics are found in the air of building spaces made from recycled plastic waste with varying levels every day. The average level of microplasty in the air for 30 days was 30,8 particles/m2/day. Maximum
microplastic rate of 63 particles/m2/day, and minimum rate of 18 particles/m2/day. The average air temperature when sampling is 25,48 ºC, air humidity is68,37 % and ultraviolet intensity is 860 mwatt/cm2.
Conclusion: Microplastic levels in the air of building spaces made from recycled plastic waste that can not be identified can be identified whether they are still within safe limits or not. This is because there is no regulation in Indonesia even in the world that regulates the safe limit of microplastic levels in the environment

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IssueVol 9 No 3 (2024): Summer 2024 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/japh.v9i3.16676
Microplastics; Air pollution; Building; Plastic waste; Recycle

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How to Cite
Mulyasari T, Mukono J, Sudiana I, Hilal N. Microplastic levels in the indoor air of buildings based on plastic waste recycling in Indonesia. JAPH. 2024;9(3):297-310.