Introduction: Air pollution in metropolitans is an important problem and health concern. Air pollution increases respiratory diseases, significantly. We evaluated the relation between COPD and criteria air pollutants in six major cities of Iran including Tehran, Mashhad, Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz and Arak by AirQ model, developed by World Health Organization.
Materials and methods: At first, hourly data of pollutants collected from the Department of Environment of cities and validated according to WHO guidelines. Quantification of the number of cases COPD were performed by using statistical analysis and the World Health Organization model.
Results: Results showed total cumulative numbers of hospital admission cases due to COPD (HA-COPD) estimated in the present study were 372, 102, 130, 96, 55 and 29 cases in Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz and Arak, respectively. According to obtained results, among seven metropolises, the highest and lowest COPD rate dedicated to Tehran and Arak, respectively.
Conclusions: Air pollution is considered as a major threat to public health in major cities of Iran. This study proved association between short-term exposure to O3 and NO2 and hospital admission for respiratory diseases. Therefore, policy makers and authorities should use appropriate actions and attempts based on scientific evidence in order to reduce pollutants, control air pollution and diminish their harmful effects on health of residents.
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Issue | Vol 1 No 4 (2016): Autumn 2016 | |
Section | Original Research | |
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Air pollution public health chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
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