Review Article

Risk analysis of temperature, humidity, ventilation, use of mosquito repellent, and smoking behaviour on the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in Toddlers


Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) are commonly experienced by children, infants, and toddlers. This study analysed the relationship of several factors that cause the occurrence of ARI in Toddlers, namely temperature, humidity, exposure to cigarette smoke, and the use of mosquito repellent. This study used the meta-analysis method by doing a literature search and then finding the value of the effect size using JASP. The research with meta-analysis showed that the smoking behaviour of family members is the highest risk of ARI in toddlers with a value of PR=E1.57=4,572 (95% CI 1.28-1.77). Furthermore, ventilation is the second highest risk of ARI in toddlers, with PR=E1.36=3.896. Then the humidity condition with the value of PR=E1.31=3.706. Other variables, such as air temperature risk increasing the incidence of ARI up to 2,829 times, and mosquito coils that had an impact up to 2,293 times increased the risk of ARI in Toddlers. All variables can increase the risk of ARI in toddlers, with the three most potent variables being smoking behaviour, ventilation, and humidity. Other variables can still increase the risk of ARI in toddlers, but to a lesser extent.

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IssueVol 8 No 4 (2023): Autumn 2023 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Acute respiratory infections (ARI); Toddlers; Smoking; Ventilation; Humidity; Temperature

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How to Cite
Nabiha P, Azizah R, Zulkarnain O, Rizaldi M, Febriani A, Nugraheni W, Mahmudah M. Risk analysis of temperature, humidity, ventilation, use of mosquito repellent, and smoking behaviour on the incidence of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in Toddlers. JAPH. 2024;8(4):501-516.