Original Research

Monitoring spatiotemporal changes of NO2 using TROPOMI and sentinel-5 images for Dhaka city and its surrounding areas of Bangladesh


Introduction: Discernable air pollution occurs in most developing countries due to rapid urbanization which can be parameterized by air, humidity, population density, temperature, contaminants, exorbitant fossil fuel consumption, and inadequate transportation. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), one of the most widely recognized air pollutants, has a detrimental impact on human health explicitly or implicitly and considerably influences on atmospheric composition.
Materials and methods: In this study, NOintensity was analyzed from 2018 with aiming to monitor spatiotemporal changes in Dhaka and its surrounding areas with the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) sensor data. Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite data was used in the Google Earth Engine platform to get the result.
Results: The results revealed a strong relationship (R2=0.9478) between the NOconcentration and high population density and the temporal variation is higher during the pre-monsoon than throughout the post-monsoon. The reason behind is the lack of sunlight and the difficulty to break down the NO2, which causes the removal of NOfrom the atmosphere to proceed more slowly. In contrast, Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) are also impacted by the high concentration which is remains in the built-up area.
Conclusion: This research mainly considered that how NOconcentration measured from satellite images with temporal variation within a year and what factors strongly influence raising NOlevels. This model can be used for policy-making to take proper initiatives to reduce NOconcentrations. The result showed significant uses of TROPOMI with relating population density and LULC in Dhaka and its surrounding areas of Bangladesh.

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IssueVol 8 No 3 (2023): Summer 2023 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/japh.v8i3.13785
Air pollution; Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ); Tropospheric monitoring instrument (TROPOMI) sensor; Google earth

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How to Cite
Shobnom N, Hossain MS, Roni R. Monitoring spatiotemporal changes of NO2 using TROPOMI and sentinel-5 images for Dhaka city and its surrounding areas of Bangladesh. JAPH. 2023;8(3):269-284.