Air pollution over southern Africa: Impact on the regional environment and public health implication
Air pollution is one of the problems in many countries posing serious challenges the world is facing today. This is a global public health and environmental issue with multiple facets; it affects all aspects -human health, development, economy, land use and the environment. Although industrial revolution has been a great advancement in human life in terms of technology, societal development, creation and provision of multiple services, it has also resulted in the production of large quantities of unpleasant substances the atmosphere. It is no doubt that worldwide urbanization and industrialization are escalating at a high rate and reaching unprecedented proportions in many countries. In this article, we revisit the state of air pollution over southern Africa and assess the extent to which this can impact on the regional environment. The study is qualitative but also employs a blend of quantitative and qualitative evidence on the status of Air Quality (AQ) over southern Africa. The subcontinent is now a significant source of atmospheric and environmental pollution, having transformed from a rural to one of the more developing regions in the world. There is an influx of particulate and gas pollution from both local and remote sources. Prominent hotspots can be observed on satellites for Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM) and Biomass Burning (BB) emissions around active areas. Depending on the nature of pollutant generation and amount, there are often differing levels of exposure to certain toxic elements, some of which are more harmful to human life. Increase in seasonal/annual pollution, in accordance with continued human development and industrial revolution can have a dire effect on the region, especially considering the growing African population. Comprehensive long-term AQ management programs are therefore needed to ensure that tolerable pollution levels are not exceeded, and that population exposure is taken care of.
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Issue | Vol 9 No 2 (2024): Spring 2024 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Air pollution; Human health; Environment; Exposure; Emission |
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