Original Research

Source characterization of PM10 using CMB receptor modeling for the western industrial area of India


Introduction: Receptor models use the chemical characterisation of particulate matter to determine the source and analyse the source contributions. The main aim of this study is to carry out source apportionment
of PM10 for industrial locations of Vapi and Ankleshwar in Gujarat, using the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model.
Materials and methods: At six distinct locations of Ankleshwar and Vapi, respirable dust samplers were used to collect particulate matter on quartz filter sheets for the current study. Filter papers containing PM10 mass were subsequently examined for Water Soluble Ions (WSIs), major and trace elements, elemental and organic carbon followed by source apportionment study.
Results: Using CMB, the contributions obtained for Ankleshwar are 27.85% for crustal or soil dust, 26.31% for fossil fuel combustion, 21.06% for vehicle emissions, 14.20% for secondary aerosols, 9.30% for biomass, and 1.20% for industrial emissions. CMB for Vapi revealed the chief source signatures as fossil fuel combustion including industries contributing 35%, crustal or soil dust contributing 22.90%, biomass burning contributing
19.12%, vehicular emissions contributing 16.18%, and secondary aerosols contributing 6.79%.
Conclusion: By applying the CMB model, the primary source is found to be crustal or soil dust followed by burning fossil fuels, vehicular emissions, and secondary aerosols for Ankleshwar and Vapi, respectively. A quantitative assessment of source contributions to particulate matter is required to create emission control measures. The findings of this study will be beneficial for the environmental management of particle concentrations in the study region.

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IssueVol 8 No 1 (2023): Winter 2023 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/japh.v8i1.12029
Particulate matter; Vehicle emissions; aerosols; Ankleshwar; Vapi

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How to Cite
Nihalani S, Khambete A, Jariwala N. Source characterization of PM10 using CMB receptor modeling for the western industrial area of India. JAPH. 2023;8(1):43-58.