Prevention of indoor air pollution through design and construction certification: A review of the sick building syndrome conditions
Indoor quality is an important and necessary concern towards indoor use, which sustains the health of the occupants. Indoor health is the resultant of exposure to all building materials, the contents of room equipment, occupant activities, and the ability of the space to eliminate negative effects on life. This paper adequately describes sources of pollutant exposure, pollutant movement, biological processes, health impacts, all of which can cause Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Furthermore, indoor depollution measures to counteract SBS need to be carried out at the stages of building design and construction. Based on the interests and needs, here it is necessary to propose a certification of potential SBS at the design and construction stages. Thus, SBS responsibilities can be proportionately distributed to designers, contractors, and building users.
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Issue | Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Winter 2022 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Pollution sources; Pollutant transport; Biological process; Health impacts; Measures |
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