Assessment of air pollution in the informal settlements of the Western Cape, South Africa
Introduction: South Africa has the highest ambient air pollution exposure associated with morbidity in the Sub-Saharan region, accounting for a total number of 14356 confirmed cases of mortality on an annual basis. The study assessed air pollution exposure levels of Khayelitsha and Marconi-Beam neighbourhoods that are not monitored by the fixed-site monitoring station provided by the government.
Materials and methods: Weekly ambient air pollution measurements of Particulate Matter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) were collected at households in neighbourhoods of Khayelitsha and Marconi-Beam during the summer and winter seasons. PM2.5 measurements were collected
using Mesa Labs GK2.05 (KTL) cyclone attached to a GilAir Plus air sampling pump. Gases of NO2 were measured using passive diffusive samplers. Data were recorded on a Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheet. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0. The outcome of the seasonal exposure levels will be compared with the South African ambient air quality standards to ascertain the risk of potential exposure to significant levels of PM2.5 and NO2 that are hazardous to human health.
Results: The results suggest that summer NO2 concentrations in the Khayelitsha neighbourhood ranged between (0 and 28 µg/m3 ), while in winter NO2 concentrations nearly doubled. A similar trend was observed regarding PM2.5 behaviour with summer overall exposure level of 7 µg/m3 and 13 µg/m3 during winter.
Conclusion: Whilst there are no legislative guidelines to compare the measured weekly average results, the concentrations were still lower than the World Health Organization (WHO), and South African air quality standards values for PM2.5 and NO2 pollutants.
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Files | ||
Issue | Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Winter 2022 | |
Section | Original Research | |
DOI | | |
Keywords | ||
Air pollution levels; Ambient air pollution; Particulate matter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5); Nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ); Informal settlement |
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