Original Research

Analyzing the health risk assessment of particles in Isfahan steel company by AERMOD model


Introduction: One of the effects of air pollution in the community was
increasing mortality rate. Determination of contamination was the first step in
improving the existing conditions. Therefore, the way of pollutants distribution
and the timing and spatial changes were important. This study aimed to evaluate
the risk of Parental Emissions (PE) of Isfahan steel company using AERMOD.
Materials and methods: In this research, the distribution of suspended
particles of the Isfahan steel company were modeled in the AERMOD for 1
h, 24 h and yearly average (30×30 km2
), then the comparison of the average
concentrations modeled with air standards clean country and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) regional risk maps were provided in Arc GIS.
Results: The prediction of the distribution of 24-h mean concentrations
indicated that the maximum value for the 24-h average was equal to 8.52
EPA and 25.25 times, the standard Iran's clean air. Also, the prediction of the
distribution of average annual concentrations indicated that the maximum value
for the average annual time was 91.1 times, the EPA standard and 4.78% higher
than Iran's clean air standard.
Conclusion: Health risk maps show that the risk spot was not regional in the
direction of the region's wind and topography of the region was the main factor
in the distribution of risky spots in the region. Legitimate use of the AERMOD
could be useful in managing, controlling, and evaluating air pollutants especially
in industrial units of the country

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IssueVol 6 No 2 (2021): Spring 2021 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/japh.v6i2.7952
Air pollution; Particulate matter; AERMOD; Risk assessment

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How to Cite
Jalili D, Mahmoodi A, Tavasolifar A, Saeidi MS, Jalilpoor Y. Analyzing the health risk assessment of particles in Isfahan steel company by AERMOD model. JAPH. 2021;6(2):91-100.