One - third of the world's population burn organic material such as wood, dung or charcoal (biomass fuel) for cooking, heating and lighting. This form of energy usage is associated with high levels of Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) and an increase in the incidence of of ARI in children. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a leading cause of children illness and death in developing countries. Due to the fact that, most of time training of children in internal environments. There is consistent evidence that indoor air pollution increases the risk of acute respiratory infections in children, and the most important cause of death among children under 5 years of age in developing countries. Exposure to biomass smoke and risk of acute respiratory infections in children has been examined in a lot of studies. Previous reviews were limited in scope, evaluating only outcomes exposure biomass smoke and prevance ARI children. Hence, with important evidence accumulating, there is a need to improve the previous awareness correlated with various interventions to reduce indoor air pollution (IAP) in many countries. This study conducted a systematic review to evaluate the effects of biomass smoke on the incidence of ARI in children and interventions to reduce indoor air pollution with highlight recent years’ studies in developing countries. The results have indicated that exposure to biomass smoke increasing prevalence of ARI in children (rang; 1.00 -3.89 (CI 95% 0.92 – 28.25); median =1.99). Our findings suggest that in addition to promoting increased access to stove improving technologies there are one important organization and micro environment related interventions that dropped IAP exposure. It was expected that this results were useful for the impact on the public argument and policies at the national level in future to improve the quality of indoor air to reduce the burden of disease caused by acute respiratory infections in children.
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Issue | Vol 3 No 1 (2018): Winter 2018 | |
Section | Review Article(s) | |
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Indoor air pollutin (IAP) acute respiratory infections (ARI) biomass smoke developing countries children |
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