Original Research



Introduction: Heavy metals have been an effect on biochemical mechanisms, especially because they can be bio accumulated. The aim of this study was, survey of lead in the five copy centers of Tehran.
Materials and methods: Five copy centers were chosen as the object of characterization of lead. All samples were taken during working hours, Non- working hours and ambient air. Concentrations of Pb were determined by inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Samples have been analyzed statistically using Excel.
Results: During Working hours, fine particulate matters and lead will be increased. Lead concentration in working hours was 10 to 20 times greater than ambient air.
Conclusions: The concentration of lead depended on the number of printing devices and ventilation rate.

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IssueVol 2 No 3 (2017): Summer 2017 QRcode
SectionOriginal Research
Particulate matter heavy metal printing devices the air of Tehran

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How to Cite
Sarkhosh M, Nabizadeh R, Mohseni SM, Atafar Z, Nazmara S, Shiri L. CHARACTERIZATION OF LEAD IN THE COPY CENTERS OF TEHRAN. JAPH. 2018;2(3):153 - 158.